Schools and workshops - NePoPo® dog training

New Gold School and workshop – NePoPo® training system

Cours de dressage de chien via la méthode NePoPo®

New Gold School France offers workshops and New Gold Schools dedicated to train you in the NePoPo® system.


All our sessions and workshops are directed to:

  • students with a basic experience in dog training.

  • Professionnals or amateurs wanting to use NePoPo® in their training.

  • Dog trainers looking forward to complete the New Gold School to spread the language of modern dog training. It's mandatory to attend a New Gold School to have completed with success the New Silver school from Michael & Bart Bellon.


Cours et séminaire de dressage par un instructeur certifié NePoPo®

New Gold School


A five days practice class, New Gold School is open to all students who graduated from Silver school or New Silver school. It includes practicing the NePoPo® system, use of all tools from NePoPo® and products from Martin System. It's an 8 hour per day practical course with your dog and green dogs or puppies from our kennel

  • New Gold School includes breakfast and lunch, drinks, and a boarding place for your dog in our kennel.
  • Price: 3000 €
  • You'll find on our website all workshops and New Gold Schools scheduled. We also can adapt to your demands and schedule specifics events or school at our facility or in a hosting place of your choice.


Dog spot Workshops


We have many 2/3  days workshops scheduled all year long. You'll be able to learn about the basics of the NePoPo® system, the tools we use and our know-how. During the workshop we dedicate time so you can pratice with your dogs applying the system and we cover all the topics you're interested in (bite work, dog sports, MWD or LE dogs, detection or tracking) .

  • This package includes lunches, drinks and snacks, and boarding of your dog.
  • Price : 450 €


Audit spot workshop


all our workshops offer audit spots. During 2/3 days workshops, you'll be presented the basics of the NePoPo® system, our tools and know-how. 

  • this package includes lunches, snacks and drinks.
  • Price: 350 €



For the students wishing to enlist at the New Silver school and New Gold School, we have a mentorship program conceived to guide you through the whole process and give you the best chance of success for NePoPo® New Silver and Gold.


As soon as you enlist for New Silver, we provide help with the homework to prepare you to be ready and clearminded for the school. All is done through online meeting with "zoom", and during the New Silver School we'll be there and give lectures every evening to help you process with the lessons off the day and get you ready for the final exam.


After New Silver, we'll give you homework to get ready for the New Gold School we'll do. It can be an already scheduled New Gold School or in a private one we'll schedule together, wether at our facility or at yours.



For more info contact us


New Gold Schools and Workshops in our facility near Valence (France)


Gold Schools and Workshops can take place :


  • In our facility, 20 min outside Valence, in South of France. We'll recommend you guest houses, Air BnB and restaurants during your stay. Valence train station is 25 min out and Lyon international airport 1H30 from our place

  • Worldwide : you are interested in hosting a gold school or a workshop, feel free to contact us ! 

NePoPo® is a registered trademark from Michael & Bart Bellon, it is used with their permission.