FAQ NePoPo® - frequently asked questions about NePoPo® dog training

FAQ about NePoPo®

Dressage de chien avec la méthode NePoPo® dans la Drôme

NePoPo® is a modern and efficient training system, a communication tool between handler and dog.


  • How does it works ?

  • Where does it come from ?

  • How and where can we learn it ?


Find our answers to the FAQ.



What is NePoPo® ?

It is the abreviation for « Negative Positive Positive ». It's a training system in which we use the four quadrants of training to find balance. It 's a communication tool and a method. In that system the dogs always does on cue with hear and soul. It has been developped by Michael and Bart Bellon.


What do we learn at New Silver School and at New Gold School ?

At New Silver School, you'll learn the theory of the system and how it works. It's taught by Michael and Bart Bellon. At New Gold School focus is on practice, hands on dogs all day. You'll practice the system and discover its tools. You'll train with your dog and/or the dogs from your Gold Multiplicator.


What is negative reinforcement ?


In negative reinforcement you a nagging stimulus to the dog that will stop once the dog does the desired behavior. It enables the possibility of the dog reproduces it because he wants to avoid the neagtive stimulus. As an example, the seat belt alarm: it stops when you fasten your seat belt;  light tension on the leash to bring your dogs in the wanted direction...


What is existential food ?

One of the most powerful reward, the dog needs food to survive. Dogs trained with existential food earn their daily food during training. they are committed students that learn fast.



Should I always reward my dog ?

Positive reinforcement, adding a positive stimulus, is the tool that will bring joy and willingness in dogs. It's the second "Po" in NePoPo®: it allows us to correct when the dogs doesn't do the desired behavior, without submitting or demotivating the dog.


If you want your dog to work with joy and willingness, reward is necessary. Petting your dog can be enough: it's a reward just as a ball or food.


Where can I attend the New Silver School ?

Twice a year in the USA, in Springfield Missouri and once in Europe. New Silver is mandatory to attend New Gold School.


Do I have to attend New Silver and New Gold to use NePoPo® in my training ?


  • If you want to use the system to expand your knowledge and upgrade your dog's performances, you don't need to. All Gold Multiplicatpors and New Gold graduates often give workshops: you will be able to learn theory and practice with them.

  • But, if your goal is to teach the system, you must be graduated from New Silver and New Gold School.


NePoPo® is a registered trademark from Michael & Bart Bellon, it is used with their permission.